About Rotito


Our Story

Dear readers, you cannot fathom the joy I am feeling while writing this piece of article. 

My Name is Hania  Ahmed, Founder of ROTITO. I am a Chef 🍲 and a Food Technologist 🧪 by profession.

My passion for culinary goes back to when I was 10, I first learnt to measure out ingredients with my mom’s help. From then onwards, there was no stopping me. I was given an absolute free-hand to pursue practicing my skills from one recipe to another. My experimentation went on to involve learning how to make fondant from scratch. I made perfect cinnamon rolls, totally Cinnabon style, at that young age. I felt like a scientist in the lab of my kitchen. From disasters to soaring success, I have seen it all till date.

My interest in the science of food preparation led me to complete my 3 years online Diploma Program in Food Technology which I simultaneously completed with my 3 years (offline) Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts and Catering Technology from the Culinary Academy of India, Hyderabad. I am officially trained in Continental, Indian, Oriental, bulk, and pastry – basic and advanced, hot and cold kitchen.

I come from a family of doctors – both my parents, grandfather, uncles, aunt – and I being the eldest in my family of 6 siblings, it was never a natural choice for me to become a chef. But thanks to the unbiased support of my parents I was able to. Because of my passion, my entire extended family has come to appreciate my field.

After graduation I joined two very established bakeries in town, but I felt working under someone else was not for me. I was devastated, had no idea as to what to do with my career. Just then my parents told me to take a trip to Saudi Arabia for a break. As I had a very keen eye on food products wherever I strolled around, I saw that there were ready to eat unleavened breads all around the stores for instant consumption. The idea then clicked in my mind to produce whole wheat roti’s in India that had no need for cooking. I had a series of thoughts in my mind, how my college friends living in a hostel were struggling to cook roti’s for everyday meals and many even fought amongst each other as to who will roll the bread today!

After coming back to my hometown, I started researching and formulating my product. A hundred failed ones and 6 months later I had my product in my hands! Whole Wheat cooked Roti with a shelf life of 6 days! Soft and nutritious, ready to consume.

My dream is to make this product available for every meal as a healthier choice in contrast to the refined flour options which are in the market.

Want to get away from a skilled, lengthy, messy procedure and have perfectly cooked, round roti’s? Be it students, a day where the house-help is not available, a very busy tiring day at work, an exhausted home maker, health problem, days away from home cooked food or just a lazy day, there is now a solution to your problem!

I present to you the first time in India, the most convenient and time-saving product ⏰ as we know that every minute is very crucial for each one of you, spend it more doing the things you love most! 

From Flour to Flavor: The Rotito Journey

Discover the mesmerizing transformation of whole wheat into delicious Rotito in our animated journey video.